Effective Leadership within the Workplace

If you’ve ever worked with an ineffective leader, you know that poor leadership always comes at a cost, especially working in public offices. An ineffective leader can be demotivating and demoralizing, which can put a damper on productivity and the ability to reach goals. Not to mention it creates an uncomfortable workplace environment, and nobody wants that. This, in turn, can adversely impact your team. While few people would argue the importance of effective leadership, it can seem like an elusive idea. What really is effective leadership? What are the most important leadership qualities? And can anyone learn how to become an effective leader, and if so, how? This article will dive into the questions of how to be an effective leader in the public sector. Are effective leaders born or created? Let’s start off by answering some of the commonly asked questions about whether or not it makes sense to invest one’s energy to become a more efficient leader. After all, if leaders are bo...